Learning to Understand Women

Open the door for her

Published by Anil Kumar under on 8:49 PM

She has phoned you, and is coming to see you in 20 mins. And then you get busy doing something else. She knocks at the door, and even before you could get out of the shower, your roommate opens the door.

She doesn't like it as much, because she expects to see you when the door opens. Seeing someone else, contrary to her expectations, puts her off, a little bit.

Summary: A man should always open the door for his lady himself. It is not only a right, but also a privilege as well as politeness.

When a woman wants to break up...

Published by Anil Kumar under on 12:53 PM

Sometimes a woman is mad at you (could be without any reason) and wants to end the relationship. She actually doesn't mean to end the relationship - if she wants to break up, she would break up anyway without declaring.

What does she want when she says "I think we should break up" or "I don't want to talk to you anymore"?

She wants the man to say "Please don't do this because I really love you, and I cannot live without you. Please don't go". This makes her feel better.

Summary: If she is ready to break up, say the three magic words, and ask her to stay.

The best weapon of a woman: Tears

Published by Anil Kumar under on 9:43 AM

If she needs something (most likely it's attention) and unable to get it otherwise, she will often use her best weapon. Some women like to bring up an issue to cry about, and some cry without a reason. Irrespective, she likes to burst into tears in front of you. The man melts, and she gets what she wanted.

When a woman cries, a man is expected to pay attention, sympathize (but don't overdo it), and show affection by hugging her.

Summary: When a woman cries, she expects the man to offer his shoulder to cry upon.

Worrying is their right

Published by Anil Kumar under , , on 5:30 PM
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Women like to worry. And they feel it's their right. Worrying is an emotional action that leads to several physiological changes (e.g. release of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the blood etc), and it makes the woman feels like a woman.

If a woman says she is worried about you, don't say "stop worrying about me" - She will think you're taking away her right, and it's not good for the relation.

Instead of asking her to stop worrying consider saying something more reassuring: "I know you're concerned about me, but I'll be fine" or something similar. Apart from words, an action item should also be included in this remedy - Call her, and let her know about your whereabouts to keep her worries from building up too high.

Summary: It's a woman's right to worry, so don't stop her from doing so. Instead, just reassure her, and call her several times a day.

Problematic Gals!

Published by Mohican yells under on 10:04 AM

Before starting this blog, let me be very clear that this blog in not targeted personally to anyone. People are free to agree/disagree with me, but this blog is written in light mood, and people (especially gals) should be sporty enough to take this as fun.
Another thing I want to mention is that whatever I am blogging, is not 'generalized' for all gals, it is limited for specific gals.
I was just sitting idle, so thought lets glorify some feature of 'problematic gals'. Problematic gals are kinda gals, who can never tolerate to see their boyfriend/spouse in bliss........lol.....Let me discuss few characteristics:-
1. Problematic gals think that they are the most beautiful gals in universe! They would intermittently complain their b'friend that "this guy is making me missed calls", "this guy gives looks at me", "this guy passes remarks on me", "this guy speaks foul to me on phone".......(10% real issue + 90% useless talks)....bla bla bla.......phew! Poor b'friend, initially he takes it very seriously. (How could someone challenge his alpha male authority??).......He gets pissed off.......he is ready to kill..........he is ready to fight world war 3.......What more? The problematic gal reinforces this feeling by saying "Honey, promise me, you wouldn't do anything to him?"
2. Problematic gals think that they are the most photogenic species in this world....Again repeated complains......."I think this guy took my picture from his cellphone"........Poor guy, again to save his kingdom, he can do anything.........Later on he learns two facts.........One, he is spending lotz of energy to save his kingdom for nothing.....Two, he is not alpha male........lol.
3. B'friend is supposed to listen all the shit going on gals family. Father is drunk, cousin is molesting me, had fight with mommy, not feeling good, bla bla bla.........everything.......before b'friend enjoys this, later he feels what the heck? Am I like a punching bag, who is supposed to be on receiver end only? ( I have seen some of my friends, who while listening keep their ear piece far from their ear...........intermittently they say "hu.......ya ya.........ok.........ok........hu........ya")
4. Problematic gals think that their menstrual problems (if any), are the matters of superior most priority.......what if fight is going on between America and Iraq?........they don't care.......B'friend has got to listen her great menstrual saga......"Its coming", "its not coming", "its early", "its delayed", "its painful".........and many more.........initially b'friend enjoys listening this shit. He thinks that by carefully listening and reacting, he is gaining his dream gal's trust and respect........Later this story brings nausea in his mind........."Yuk! do I always have to listen about this shit??".................lol
5. Problematic gals are experts in picking up fight out of nothing. Imagine the wildest thing in your mind, and it is sufficient enough to start a fight. Anything means anything, If you wear a new dress/old dress, grooming/not grooming, listening/not listening, speaking/not speaking, aggressive/polite.........whatever you are, if she wants to pick fight, then she can and she would. Poor guy thinks, "now what I have done wrong?"
6. Problematic gals are again experts in making feel their b'friend, that they are not worthy (this they don't do initially.....before the same b'friend is the best in this world.......This starts later, when she thinks that ok, now the fruit is ripened....lol).........Even if he is intelligent like Einstein, brave like Hercules, handsome like James Bond, devoted like lord Rama, and 'understand' her needs like Sigmund Freud, still she would successfully make him feel that he is good for nothing and not caring enough for her.........lol
7. Problematic gals are good at diverting the issues.......At one moment B'friend is mad on her, and scolding her for something, the next moment he finds himself apologizing for being 'rude',' blunt' and 'hurting' her.......(of course he is attacked by 'water canons' too).........Somehow he saves himself by ending this conversation, and then he thinks "Shit! .....What happened just now? Was it me or her who was supposed to apologize??"...........Dude, its too late by then!..........lol........lol
Anyway, this was just a brief introduction about problematic gals. Those gals who think that they are not problematic, they shouldn't be pissed off after reading this, and those who are pissed off,they need to change, because they are problematic gals!


Published by Mohican yells under on 1:05 AM
What's so peculiar about this sentence?

I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality, counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications' incomprehensibleness.

Answer:Each word in the sentence is one letter longer than the word before it!... :)

Make two phone calls to your lady every day

Published by Anil Kumar under on 2:36 PM

Women will be mad at you if you don't let them know where you are. Reason? They feel more secure if they can frame a mental picture of your whereabouts. Lack of communication makes them feel insecure, and they'll be pissed off.

Summary: Make two phone calls to your lady every day.

"Take more responsibility"

Published by Anil Kumar under , on 12:06 PM
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I want to have more fun, but without taking responsibility. I want to be a good man, so I should take more responsibility, even for my fun.

Before I start doing something, I should pause for a moment and think "Shall I be able to take responsibility for my actions in near and remote future? Will the sense of responsibility stay even if things don't go the way I intended?" If the answer is Yes, then I should start the journey. If the answer is no, I should find another way.

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, never excuse yourself" - Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)